
Showing posts from October, 2023

Separate Date & Time in Excel

Many times we are working with date and time values while working in excel. Many time we get data in which date and time is mentioned in a single cell (as shown in below image). But what if we want to separate the date as well time from this value? Well, we will learn to separate the date and time in this blog post whenever we will face similar situation. Basic Information: Before moving to this separation, first of all we need to understand some basic concepts related to date and time values which are available in excel. Dates are nothing but the integer values stored in excel. Whereas Times are the decimal values stored in excel.  For example: If we enter integer value 1 and change the cell format to dates, then it will become 01 January 1900.  If we enter the decimal value 0.59 and convert the cell format to time, then it will become 02:09 PM. Now, we will use these basic concepts to separate date and time from combined value. For this we will use INT function in excel . We have alr